

Character Study – Illustration
Project developed and executed independently.
Roles: Creative Direction, Illustration


Project Background
An ongoing study in digitally painting the human face using popular film characters and pop culture icons. The Illustrations are mix media pieces using minor post production hand sketching, while majority of the work is conducted using various brush strokes and sharpening techniques within Photoshop.


Daniel Day Lewis


Infamous method actor Daniel Day Lewis portrayed as both Abraham Lincoln from the 2012 film "Lincoln" and Bill the Butcher from the 2002 film "Gangs of New York". Process involves multiple layers of low opacity brush strokes and constant sharpening all done using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. 


The results of this first illustration were viral. Leaping to the top spot on the front page of Reddit only a few hours after being published. Day 1 stats on IMGUR showed over 1M views and tons of social media sharing and engagement.


Bernie Sanders


Current Vermont senator and 2016 presidential nominee Bernie Sanders illustrated at two different stages in his life. The left taken from a 30+ year old photo and the right during his recent presidential run. The "Still Fighting" was hand drawn, scanned and digitally painted. Process involves multiple layers of low opacity brush strokes and constant sharpening all done using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. 


Completed during the peak of Sanders campaign for president, this piece exploded onto social media with hundreds of tweets and Instagram shares. The painting made it to the top of multiple political and art related subreddits and hit the third spot on r/popular. "Still Fighting" was even retweeted by multiple divisions on the official Sanders campaign.